Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to my blog.

I'm Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice, and warfare. Born with all my armor, I jumped out of my Dad, Zeus'sforehead.  You might know him - he is the god of lightning and ruler of all gods.  I'm the virgin patron of Athens, and my people, the Athenians, love me so much (who wouldn't) so they made me a building called the Pantheon. Some may know my name as Pallas, use it, don't abuse it. I got it from a childhood friend who I had accidentally killed. We were practicing fighting when my daddy distracted us, causing me to kill her. In honor of her death, and to apologize for my actions, I took her name. Don't mess with me - if I get angry, you won't be alive for long. 

I'm a virgin goddess, as I stated earlier - so I'm completely pure. I once had a child, but it wasn't my own. My flawless beauty caused Hephaestus to, for lack of a better term, try to make me "impure", but I was able to elude his grasp, and from the soil came up a baby. I don't go out much, those mortals are crazy when I do.  All they do is follow me around.  When I do go out I usually prefer to go into the world in a disguise to alter mortal's opinions and such. As for Odysseus, he intrigued me, so I decided to save him and help him return to his family.  Originally it was alright saving him and all, but lately it seems like I save his life ALL THE TIME.  I don't have time for all of his nonsense shenanigans anymore, I mean being a goddess I do have things to do.  

I’m writing this blog because I decided to document my journey as I followed Odysseus through his travels home. I mean, I am one famous goddess, undoubtedly, everyone wants to hear about my adventures. Also, in the future, maybe people would want to hear about my epic-ness. For all you mortals reading this blog, be sure to sacrifice your finest products to me. Saving Odysseus does get kind of difficult for my godly self. But, me being the nice goddess I am, I keep working. Sometimes you wish Odysseus could stay out of trouble for just 10 seconds, I mean, I do save his life constantly... I don’t have time for all his nonsense shenanigans; goddesses have other things to do. Originally, it was alright saving him and all, but now, its just Athena this, Athena that.  HE IS SO NEEDY!

Despite all of my time being used to save him, I think I'm starting to develop some other "feelings" towards him. He's such a good person, very strong (like me), and very charismatic. But, sadly, he's already married - so I can't force him to do anything. Maybe if I help him enough, he'll appreciate me and give me a favor. 

Thank you for reading my blog, dear mortal, and be sure to stay tuned and keep reading. For if you stop reading my blog, you shalt be smite!

-Pallas Athena


  1. Hey! Stay away from my husband! Just because he is away from me doesn’t mean you can try to manipulate him to fall in love with you. It won’t work! He loves me and only me! You might be a goddess and all that, but he loves me and don’t you forget it! That whole husband, wife thing does apply even when the two are away from each other! And he is not needy; he is just a lost man trying to find his way back! It’s not so easy being a mortal!

    Thanks for saving him a bajillion times, I will make an extra good sacrifice to you tonight!

  2. Whoa Penelope calm down, me and you have something special and Athena, are you really going to call me needy. I do not go through the Trojan was to be scolded by a ditsy immortal. I’m just a lost man trying to find my way back so don’t complicate things as you gods always do. I mean you didn’t help me with that much stuff. I mean you just helped me get a crew to get me home, and help me defeat that Phaeacian prince, and disguise me as an old man, and save me from Calypsos island. Okay oaky, now that I think about maybe you didn’t save me a bajillion times. Well thanks anyways.
