Monday, April 30, 2012


Hello viewers, the other day I was assisting the mortal Odysseus.  Nothing huge simply doing all his work and saving his life... As usual.  Anyways, obviously he doesn't know I’m Athena because of my unmatched prowess in creating disguises.  He doesn't even suspect that I'm Athena, the greatest goddess in the world.  I decided to update you guys on this matter. I was just contemplating whether I should show him my true self or remain hidden.  I would ask you guys for your opinion, but mere mortals can barely handle their own lives.  I hope staying in disguise won't create any hard feelings between us. After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that I should reveal myself to Odysseus.  I did this because I would still be helping him and would get to be my true self. If he finds out that it was me doing all of these good deeds for him, maybe he might appreciate me more. The real reason I stayed in disguise until now is that I don't want to make him think that he can't do anything on his own (even though I do almost everything for him).  However I realized that this is a bad reason to sneak around behind him.  After all it’s not like he hasn't done his fair share of trickery.  He tricked the great Polyphemus multiple times to escape his grasp.  He also tirelessly tricked and took the gifts of the kings that hosted him.  For example he convinced king Alcinous to send him home with more gold and silver as it would help him be "better accepted".  I realized with all his trickery, he has no right to criticize my choice of disguising myself.  This eventually led me to my conclusion I told you of earlier.  I revealed myself.  Not into my true goddess form (he may not be able to handle my raw beauty), but rather I transformed into an eagle.  I just hope no mortals saw, they don't deserve to see such a beautiful sight.  They would be sacrificing to me for days on end after that.  I don’t think that he was mad, he seemed a little bit awestruck at first, however he later went on to sacrifice me some food.  I don't think it was a bad idea of me to do this, as he didn't take it badly or anything like that.  Recently though, it has been difficult to come to him in a physical form, I fear he might not be as open to help now that he knows its me.  I have been sticking to the shadows even more now it seems.  I now have to come to him in the form of mist or courage.  I mean it’s pretty impressive that I can pull those off, however I am perfect so maybe not.  One problem though, now I think I'm even more disguised than before.  If any of you mortals want to ask me a question, comment on my blog, and I may consider listening to you.  Gods or Godesses, I’m open to any suggestions or comments. 

The best

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to my blog.

I'm Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice, and warfare. Born with all my armor, I jumped out of my Dad, Zeus'sforehead.  You might know him - he is the god of lightning and ruler of all gods.  I'm the virgin patron of Athens, and my people, the Athenians, love me so much (who wouldn't) so they made me a building called the Pantheon. Some may know my name as Pallas, use it, don't abuse it. I got it from a childhood friend who I had accidentally killed. We were practicing fighting when my daddy distracted us, causing me to kill her. In honor of her death, and to apologize for my actions, I took her name. Don't mess with me - if I get angry, you won't be alive for long. 

I'm a virgin goddess, as I stated earlier - so I'm completely pure. I once had a child, but it wasn't my own. My flawless beauty caused Hephaestus to, for lack of a better term, try to make me "impure", but I was able to elude his grasp, and from the soil came up a baby. I don't go out much, those mortals are crazy when I do.  All they do is follow me around.  When I do go out I usually prefer to go into the world in a disguise to alter mortal's opinions and such. As for Odysseus, he intrigued me, so I decided to save him and help him return to his family.  Originally it was alright saving him and all, but lately it seems like I save his life ALL THE TIME.  I don't have time for all of his nonsense shenanigans anymore, I mean being a goddess I do have things to do.  

I’m writing this blog because I decided to document my journey as I followed Odysseus through his travels home. I mean, I am one famous goddess, undoubtedly, everyone wants to hear about my adventures. Also, in the future, maybe people would want to hear about my epic-ness. For all you mortals reading this blog, be sure to sacrifice your finest products to me. Saving Odysseus does get kind of difficult for my godly self. But, me being the nice goddess I am, I keep working. Sometimes you wish Odysseus could stay out of trouble for just 10 seconds, I mean, I do save his life constantly... I don’t have time for all his nonsense shenanigans; goddesses have other things to do. Originally, it was alright saving him and all, but now, its just Athena this, Athena that.  HE IS SO NEEDY!

Despite all of my time being used to save him, I think I'm starting to develop some other "feelings" towards him. He's such a good person, very strong (like me), and very charismatic. But, sadly, he's already married - so I can't force him to do anything. Maybe if I help him enough, he'll appreciate me and give me a favor. 

Thank you for reading my blog, dear mortal, and be sure to stay tuned and keep reading. For if you stop reading my blog, you shalt be smite!

-Pallas Athena