Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Hospitality

So lately I've been thinking a lot about this, so I decided to write about this and let you all know what I'm thinking. I have been in an extremely good mood lately, so I have been taking slightly more pity on the mortals. I've showed them hospitality, saved them, helped them in war, not killed any of them, and other extremely gracious things along those lines.  Not ONCE, have any of them sent more than just "the usual" offering up for me!  I mean how inconsiderate and rude is that?! I show them extra kindness and pity and in return I just get "the usual"?!  I'm extremely offended by this!  I mean I'm a goddess, and not just any goddess; I'm Athena, the perfect goddess. I've thought of some examples lately, for instance, I saved Odysseus and his men countless times on their journey, and only a select few times did they ever thank me and give me any extra offering.  Of course, Odysseus didn't have to because he and I are... very close.  But those other worthless mortals, they hardly went out of their way to provide me with an extra offering, yet I still had to continue saving them over, and over again.  It's hard work saving lives all day and I do believe it deserves some sort of reward! Instead I am continuously payed back with negligence, carelessness, and asking for more.  I think that the non-self-sufficient mortals these days are becoming way too reliant on the gods.  They need to do things on their own and stop being so rude, and be thankful for once.  I mean I could kill them in a second if I wanted to, but I don't, and that should be enough for them to worship me. 
Some humans, however, showed great hospitality to Odysseus, which I appreciate. When he landed on the island of Phaeacia, the king took Odysseus in, gave him food, let him sleep, and even made games for him. Even though I was the one that convinced Alcinous to take him in, after all that they did for him, I am impressed. The instant they met, not even knowing everything about Odysseus, Alcinous offered him food and drink. While they were talking, they had servants prepare a bed for him. This is a great example of hospitality. Even before that, Alcinous’ daughter met him at the banks of a river. He was dirty and naked, and even though I made him look bigger than usual, a normal person would’ve probably just left him there. However, Alcinous’ kind daughter was hospitable and brought him to the castle. This is truly an act of kindness that showed her amiability.
So, it seems that there are not very many hospitable people in the world. They generally appear to be egotistical and unappreciative. Foolish mortals should watch out.  However, there do seem to be a few mortals left who are respectable.  I encourage those few to go out to the rest of their people and teach them the right way to live.  Email me or let me know what you think.

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