Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Description: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/100/8/4/wrath_of_poseidon_by_uysaltimsah-d3do83i.jpg
Welcome yet again, my readers. Just yesterday, I was emailed asking how I felt about the power of the gods. Now, whilst I feel that some gods just abuse their powers, I believe that the power of the gods if perfectly fine. We are, after all, the rulers of the universe.
If we were to rule over you mortals without any powers, how would we be able to fix your mistakes or punish you for them? For example, when the suitors tried to get the mortal Odysseus’ wife, I was sure to punish them for it. Amphinous, one of the suitors, was a nicer one. But, he still had committed a crime by attempting to take Odysseus’ wife, so I had to punish him by sentencing him to death by Telemachus. This is why us gods have power, it is to set balance in the universe. Also, it’s because we’re obviously more talented than any of you mortals.
However, one major problem with giving ALL the gods power, is that some not as perfect as me tend to get angry and abuse the powers given to them. For example, when Odysseus had BARELY offended anyone, Poseidon was still mad even after punishing him the first time. He forced Odysseus to stay on an island with Calypso, and I used my powers for good to get him to sail off, Poseidon struck him with bad weather. This is an example of how some people will just continue to abuse the power given to them. I feel like our father Zeus should’ve “restrained” some of the powers for certain gods. Not me, of course, because my intelligence is unmatched and rarely will I have made a rash decision.
As well as making the right decision, gods with power should be sure help everyone in the world, and not just focus on helping a certain special someone. I know many a god have been using their powers to specifically help someone they have fallen in love with. Sounds silly, right? Good thing I never abuse my powers like that, me being the wise person I am.
Also, a god should be able to forgive. With powers so vast and dangerous, gods need to be able to handle it, and letting anger come in their way is generally not very safe. Odysseus was perfect in his travels, not offending a single soul. I believe this was his way of trying to repent to what he’d done. However, Poseidon STILL did not accept this apology. While he was away, I tried to protect Odysseus because I knew he was an innocent being. Again and again Poseidon continued to hurt Odysseus in his travels while Odysseus was just trying to get back to his wife.
Description: http://cache2.artprintimages.com/p/LRG/17/1733/ZGC3D00Z/art-print/issac-taylor-odysseus-returns-to-his-wife-penelope.jpgOne thing I think gods need to do more is to actually reward those who stay good. Penelope never faltered in her faithfulness, and she hasn’t received any reward yet.
But, then again, we shouldn’t be comparing gods to mortals, as we are so much more intelligent than them.
Dear mortal, thank you for reading my blog, however, I cannot continue to post here as I will be busy saving Odysseus.
-Pallas Athena

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