Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Description: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/100/8/4/wrath_of_poseidon_by_uysaltimsah-d3do83i.jpg
Welcome yet again, my readers. Just yesterday, I was emailed asking how I felt about the power of the gods. Now, whilst I feel that some gods just abuse their powers, I believe that the power of the gods if perfectly fine. We are, after all, the rulers of the universe.
If we were to rule over you mortals without any powers, how would we be able to fix your mistakes or punish you for them? For example, when the suitors tried to get the mortal Odysseus’ wife, I was sure to punish them for it. Amphinous, one of the suitors, was a nicer one. But, he still had committed a crime by attempting to take Odysseus’ wife, so I had to punish him by sentencing him to death by Telemachus. This is why us gods have power, it is to set balance in the universe. Also, it’s because we’re obviously more talented than any of you mortals.
However, one major problem with giving ALL the gods power, is that some not as perfect as me tend to get angry and abuse the powers given to them. For example, when Odysseus had BARELY offended anyone, Poseidon was still mad even after punishing him the first time. He forced Odysseus to stay on an island with Calypso, and I used my powers for good to get him to sail off, Poseidon struck him with bad weather. This is an example of how some people will just continue to abuse the power given to them. I feel like our father Zeus should’ve “restrained” some of the powers for certain gods. Not me, of course, because my intelligence is unmatched and rarely will I have made a rash decision.
As well as making the right decision, gods with power should be sure help everyone in the world, and not just focus on helping a certain special someone. I know many a god have been using their powers to specifically help someone they have fallen in love with. Sounds silly, right? Good thing I never abuse my powers like that, me being the wise person I am.
Also, a god should be able to forgive. With powers so vast and dangerous, gods need to be able to handle it, and letting anger come in their way is generally not very safe. Odysseus was perfect in his travels, not offending a single soul. I believe this was his way of trying to repent to what he’d done. However, Poseidon STILL did not accept this apology. While he was away, I tried to protect Odysseus because I knew he was an innocent being. Again and again Poseidon continued to hurt Odysseus in his travels while Odysseus was just trying to get back to his wife.
Description: http://cache2.artprintimages.com/p/LRG/17/1733/ZGC3D00Z/art-print/issac-taylor-odysseus-returns-to-his-wife-penelope.jpgOne thing I think gods need to do more is to actually reward those who stay good. Penelope never faltered in her faithfulness, and she hasn’t received any reward yet.
But, then again, we shouldn’t be comparing gods to mortals, as we are so much more intelligent than them.
Dear mortal, thank you for reading my blog, however, I cannot continue to post here as I will be busy saving Odysseus.
-Pallas Athena

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Hospitality

So lately I've been thinking a lot about this, so I decided to write about this and let you all know what I'm thinking. I have been in an extremely good mood lately, so I have been taking slightly more pity on the mortals. I've showed them hospitality, saved them, helped them in war, not killed any of them, and other extremely gracious things along those lines.  Not ONCE, have any of them sent more than just "the usual" offering up for me!  I mean how inconsiderate and rude is that?! I show them extra kindness and pity and in return I just get "the usual"?!  I'm extremely offended by this!  I mean I'm a goddess, and not just any goddess; I'm Athena, the perfect goddess. I've thought of some examples lately, for instance, I saved Odysseus and his men countless times on their journey, and only a select few times did they ever thank me and give me any extra offering.  Of course, Odysseus didn't have to because he and I are... very close.  But those other worthless mortals, they hardly went out of their way to provide me with an extra offering, yet I still had to continue saving them over, and over again.  It's hard work saving lives all day and I do believe it deserves some sort of reward! Instead I am continuously payed back with negligence, carelessness, and asking for more.  I think that the non-self-sufficient mortals these days are becoming way too reliant on the gods.  They need to do things on their own and stop being so rude, and be thankful for once.  I mean I could kill them in a second if I wanted to, but I don't, and that should be enough for them to worship me. 
Some humans, however, showed great hospitality to Odysseus, which I appreciate. When he landed on the island of Phaeacia, the king took Odysseus in, gave him food, let him sleep, and even made games for him. Even though I was the one that convinced Alcinous to take him in, after all that they did for him, I am impressed. The instant they met, not even knowing everything about Odysseus, Alcinous offered him food and drink. While they were talking, they had servants prepare a bed for him. This is a great example of hospitality. Even before that, Alcinous’ daughter met him at the banks of a river. He was dirty and naked, and even though I made him look bigger than usual, a normal person would’ve probably just left him there. However, Alcinous’ kind daughter was hospitable and brought him to the castle. This is truly an act of kindness that showed her amiability.
So, it seems that there are not very many hospitable people in the world. They generally appear to be egotistical and unappreciative. Foolish mortals should watch out.  However, there do seem to be a few mortals left who are respectable.  I encourage those few to go out to the rest of their people and teach them the right way to live.  Email me or let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Recently, I had heard a series of different songs made by mere mortals. One of them intrigued me. It was even written by some kids, but no matter, for the song spoke of all the great things that I’ve done in my life. The song followed Odysseus through his adventures and how I saved his life several times. That song really tickled my fancy for it shows the world how I am the greatest. No one can compare to my skill, beauty, and power.
One of these songs, however, I really hated. It was about some silly person named “Brodysseus” or something. What a silly name. Again, like the earlier song, it followed “Brodysseus” through his journey. But they didn’t mention ME EVEN ONCE! Those mere mortals think they can write a song without any respect for me?! For everyone obviously knows that I am the most powerful and cunning. That man wouldn’t have lived a second after being attacked by Poseidon if it weren’t for my brilliant strategies. But, this song had some very “hip” beats and the person who sang it sounded very elegant. Maybe I’ll let them live for a few more years.
Another one of these mortal songs was very … heartwarming. No beat or any electronic nonsense added into the song, just two people singing with a guitar. The tone and rhythm were incredibly well-sang and the lyrics well-crafted. The best part was, they mentioned me a couple of times as a beautiful goddess (well, it was implied). The song was about Penelope and Odysseus and their love relationship. It brought tears to my eyes (figuratively, as I don’t feel any silly human emotions), for I could feel how Penelope felt. This song was amazing – perhaps I could send Apollo down to give them some lessons; I think they could really improve and possibly sing for me sometime.
This next song – wow, just wow. I’ve never been a fan of those silly dubstep remix types of music, for those have all been created by humans. But let me just say, this song’s bass drop was EPIC – I mean, was very well thought out. Raps have never really tickled my fancy before, but this one was different. “Hip” lyrics, fresh beats, and a rap about me all combined just makes such an amazing song. I’d definitely listen to that one again.
Now this last one was very different from the others. Other than complimenting my greatness, it did not feel like the other songs. This one was new. The song’s words were crafted perfectly to the beat whilst telling the story of Odysseus very carefully and concisely. The singer was impressive, singing the entire song by himself. Best of all, it mentioned me many times. This one was probably my favorite as it really brought out a new perspective and new type of music out into the world. It was great; almost as great as me.
Thanks for reading my blog again, and if you’d like me to blog about something specific, be sure to email me.


Monday, April 30, 2012


Hello viewers, the other day I was assisting the mortal Odysseus.  Nothing huge simply doing all his work and saving his life... As usual.  Anyways, obviously he doesn't know I’m Athena because of my unmatched prowess in creating disguises.  He doesn't even suspect that I'm Athena, the greatest goddess in the world.  I decided to update you guys on this matter. I was just contemplating whether I should show him my true self or remain hidden.  I would ask you guys for your opinion, but mere mortals can barely handle their own lives.  I hope staying in disguise won't create any hard feelings between us. After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that I should reveal myself to Odysseus.  I did this because I would still be helping him and would get to be my true self. If he finds out that it was me doing all of these good deeds for him, maybe he might appreciate me more. The real reason I stayed in disguise until now is that I don't want to make him think that he can't do anything on his own (even though I do almost everything for him).  However I realized that this is a bad reason to sneak around behind him.  After all it’s not like he hasn't done his fair share of trickery.  He tricked the great Polyphemus multiple times to escape his grasp.  He also tirelessly tricked and took the gifts of the kings that hosted him.  For example he convinced king Alcinous to send him home with more gold and silver as it would help him be "better accepted".  I realized with all his trickery, he has no right to criticize my choice of disguising myself.  This eventually led me to my conclusion I told you of earlier.  I revealed myself.  Not into my true goddess form (he may not be able to handle my raw beauty), but rather I transformed into an eagle.  I just hope no mortals saw, they don't deserve to see such a beautiful sight.  They would be sacrificing to me for days on end after that.  I don’t think that he was mad, he seemed a little bit awestruck at first, however he later went on to sacrifice me some food.  I don't think it was a bad idea of me to do this, as he didn't take it badly or anything like that.  Recently though, it has been difficult to come to him in a physical form, I fear he might not be as open to help now that he knows its me.  I have been sticking to the shadows even more now it seems.  I now have to come to him in the form of mist or courage.  I mean it’s pretty impressive that I can pull those off, however I am perfect so maybe not.  One problem though, now I think I'm even more disguised than before.  If any of you mortals want to ask me a question, comment on my blog, and I may consider listening to you.  Gods or Godesses, I’m open to any suggestions or comments. 

The best

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to my blog.

I'm Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice, and warfare. Born with all my armor, I jumped out of my Dad, Zeus'sforehead.  You might know him - he is the god of lightning and ruler of all gods.  I'm the virgin patron of Athens, and my people, the Athenians, love me so much (who wouldn't) so they made me a building called the Pantheon. Some may know my name as Pallas, use it, don't abuse it. I got it from a childhood friend who I had accidentally killed. We were practicing fighting when my daddy distracted us, causing me to kill her. In honor of her death, and to apologize for my actions, I took her name. Don't mess with me - if I get angry, you won't be alive for long. 

I'm a virgin goddess, as I stated earlier - so I'm completely pure. I once had a child, but it wasn't my own. My flawless beauty caused Hephaestus to, for lack of a better term, try to make me "impure", but I was able to elude his grasp, and from the soil came up a baby. I don't go out much, those mortals are crazy when I do.  All they do is follow me around.  When I do go out I usually prefer to go into the world in a disguise to alter mortal's opinions and such. As for Odysseus, he intrigued me, so I decided to save him and help him return to his family.  Originally it was alright saving him and all, but lately it seems like I save his life ALL THE TIME.  I don't have time for all of his nonsense shenanigans anymore, I mean being a goddess I do have things to do.  

I’m writing this blog because I decided to document my journey as I followed Odysseus through his travels home. I mean, I am one famous goddess, undoubtedly, everyone wants to hear about my adventures. Also, in the future, maybe people would want to hear about my epic-ness. For all you mortals reading this blog, be sure to sacrifice your finest products to me. Saving Odysseus does get kind of difficult for my godly self. But, me being the nice goddess I am, I keep working. Sometimes you wish Odysseus could stay out of trouble for just 10 seconds, I mean, I do save his life constantly... I don’t have time for all his nonsense shenanigans; goddesses have other things to do. Originally, it was alright saving him and all, but now, its just Athena this, Athena that.  HE IS SO NEEDY!

Despite all of my time being used to save him, I think I'm starting to develop some other "feelings" towards him. He's such a good person, very strong (like me), and very charismatic. But, sadly, he's already married - so I can't force him to do anything. Maybe if I help him enough, he'll appreciate me and give me a favor. 

Thank you for reading my blog, dear mortal, and be sure to stay tuned and keep reading. For if you stop reading my blog, you shalt be smite!

-Pallas Athena